Thursday, January 27, 2011

Actually keeping a New Years resolution!

So, this year, one of our resolutions (along with a million other people I am sure) was to loose weight and get in better shape. However, this year, unlike any other, I have extra motivation to do so. I have had almost a trimesters worth of pregnancy weight hanging onto my body because of my miscarriage, and then add some holiday weight on top of that. Well, I want to be a mom as soon as possible, but I have also wanted to get rid of that extra weight and get my body back to where it was before my miscarriage, because otherwise I would have ended my next pregnancy with almost 3 extra months worth of pregnancy weight. YUCK. So I joined Weight Watchers with my mom and  have been hitting the diet and exercise thing pretty hard for about 2 weeks, and I have lost 10 pounds! Can you believe that!?! 10 freaking pounds in 2 weeks. I guess my body really wanted that  baby weight to go away, because it has been very cooperative. McKay has also lost that much (and maybe even a pound or two more) in two weeks. I am thrilled right now. I don't expect things to keep going that fast because A) it is not really healthy to keep losing that much weight that fast, and B) our bodies are over the initial shock of diet/exercise. I think my body is now starting to become good friends with fresh fruits and vegetables. So, here is to loosing weight just so that I can get super fat again. YAY!

Sorry if this post is a little bit scatterbrained, it is after 1:00 a.m. and I am really, really, really tired, but my brain will not shut up and let me sleep. On the plus side, I am having lots of good crafty ideas. Tomorrow I am going to make something really pretty. Be prepared!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Holidays! 2010

November and December were busy months for us. We had a lot of big events, and I am going to post a little blurb about each of them in this post.

First, we found out we were pregnant in October so we got really excited about being parents, and I got really, really tired and sick.

 Second, the week before thanksgiving we were lucky enough to go out to California to attend McKay's cousin Dekan's wedding. McKay was a groomsman, so we were involved in all of the wedding events. McKay and Dekan's mom's come from the Dunbar clan so, for the wedding rehearsal, Nicci and Ilse made the most gorgeous kilts for the boys to wear, in the authentic Dunbar tartan. The kilts were a surprise, and everyone got a kick out of them.

The Rehearsal dinner was really relaxed. We went to a fancy Pizza Place and took over their back patio. It was really fun to see some of McKay's extended family that we haven't seen in a long time and to meet other family members that I had never met. 

The actual ceremony was beautiful, but long. I had never been to a catholic wedding before, but it was nice. And the place that they got married had large windows that looked out over the ocean, so the whole time we were watching the ceremony we could also see the ocean behind them. I'm sure the location made for gorgeous wedding pictures.

The Reception was awesome. I don't think I have ever had food that good and that plentiful at a reception before. The Physical atmosphere was also gorgeous. It also made it fun that we rode there in a limo-bus. There was a lot of dancing. It was really entertaining to watch some of the tipsy bridesmaids bust it out on the dance floor, especially when they were dancing with my little nephew Benjamin who is in 1st grade. It was really fun to be able to watch Dekan and Elyse on their wedding day as well. Dekan was soooooooo happy and excited all day.

Congratulations Dekan and Elyse!

Third, we took a little trip to the Valley of fire on our way home from California. We had a lot of fun playing on the rocks, even though it was a little colder than we expected.

Fourth, I had a birthday and turned 23! We celebrated by going to dinner at Ruby River with my family, and my uncle Allen's family, and my cousin Jackson. It was neat to have everyone together, and the food was awesome.

Fifth,we had a busy Thanksgiving. This year my extended family had Thanksgiving dinner at my mom's house so we got to see my grandparents and most of my aunts, uncles and cousins. It was busy and a little bit crowded, but always nice to see everyone. I saw some of my cousins that I haven't seen in a really long time. The little girls in my family LOVE McKay and had fun playing with him.

Sixth, the first week of December we had a miscarriage. We lost the baby at 9 weeks. It was a sad week for me. Luckily as far as miscarriages go it was a pretty good one, without any complications.

Seventh, we had lots of Christmas activities. I was able to get together with some of my high school friends. We wen't out to lunch and then had fun chatting and decorating gingerbread cookies.We also got together with some of McKay's high school friends and had a big Christmas dinner.

We had a busy Christmas eve and day split between our two families. On Christmas eve we had Chinese food for dinner and then had a little talent show and lots of Christmas music. McKay picked up the guitar quite a bit over the holiday season and I really enjoyed hearing him play Christmas music on the guitar.

On Christmas morning we opened presents at my parents house. It was a really pleasant morning. 
Once things died down after Lunch we wen't over to McKay's parents house for more presents and more food. 

Something really funny happened on Christmas. McKay and his dad each got each other gifts, the same gifts. It was really funny to hear McKay's dad give him hints and hear McKay whisper,"it sounds like he got me the same thing I got him. Did he?" It was really hard not to tell him the answer.

Seventh, we took a trip up to temple square to see the lights, no holiday season is complete without a trip to see the lights on temple square. We almost turned around and drove back home when we go up there because it was so busy and crowded. There was some kind of performance going on at the conference center, so there was absolutely nowhere to park. I am glad we stayed because I love it up there. I have so many great memories of temple square, it's nice to be able to add to the memories. 

Eighth, we celebrated our third anniversary. Yay for 3 awesome years of marriage. Sadly McKay had to work and then the restaurant we went to eat at had a ridiculously long wait, so we decided to celebrate our anniversary China Style. Last year we went to Pizza Hut in Wuhan for our 2nd anniversary, so we got pizza from pizza hut and had a great evening at home.

Ninth, we celebrated New Years Eve with my family and a fondue dinner. We celebrated new years at 10 when the ball dropped in New York and then wen't home and celebrated ourselves at Midnight. 

So, Happy New Year! 
And now I am caught up on the happenings of the last 2 months and don't as bad about my blog neglect.