Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let's Get Started!

This first blog is dedicated to my good friend Kayli Johnson. Her blog is what inspired me to create my own. I can't tell you how much I enjoy checking her blog for new posts (i check it every day, and sometimes twice in anticipation), and when she has one, i always love reading them. It always brightens my mood (at least for a minute) when i read it. I want a place to be able to spend my time when i am sitting on my computer bored out of my mind, and i also want this to be an enjoyable read for others (I honestly don't know if that is possible because i have never considered myself to be very good writer) but we will see how that goes. Now that i have started i can blog away! Also, I am promising now, right this very second, that i am not going to be one of those blogger's who gets started, gets really excited about it, posts about 2 or 3 items and quits. I will keep going! And if i don't i am going to hold you responsible to get on my case and tell me to get my ever growing behind online and write! (Kayli, I mostly mean you.)

Kayli and I on New Years Day 2009


Kayli said...

Linny, I am so excited about this! Thanks for dedicating your first post to me--I feel so honored! :)

Heather said...

I'm so glad you've become a blogger...and you are dedicated to keeping it up. I'm excited! I already added you to the list of blogs I follow. :)