Saturday, January 26, 2013

New Years Eve 2012

I have to start by saying we have some awesome friends. One of my favorite things about living here in Madison is all of the wonderful people that we have met through church and school. Seriously, we are surrounded by amazing people. Lucky for us a few of them stuck around over Christmas break and were able to spend New Years Eve with us.

My family has a tradition of having a Fondue dinner on New Years Eve and I love it. Sometimes it would just be our family, but it has always been open to pretty much everyone so other years we would have tons of family and friends over on new year eve to eat food dipped in cheese, play games and have fun. Now that we are on our own I wanted to host my own fondue dinner. McKay does not love large throngs of people in any situation, but especially not in his home. But he was a good sport and got behind my party. We invited a bunch of people and ended up with a nice big group. It is funny how quickly numbers grow once everyone starts having kids. With everyone that came we ended up with a nice full house of 19.
We had our Fondue dinner and then sat around and visited while the little kids played, and then we busted out our play station 2 (because we are super high tech and current with our video games...) and played dancing with the stars. We had a little hiccup initially and could only get one dance mat to work, which ended up being fine because there would be 2 or 3 kids on each dance mat and they weren't really playing anyway. Once we finally got them both working we had a couple of dance offs. I am proud to say we were all pretty abysmal, but honestly not as bad as I thought we would be. I guess all the time I spent playing dance dance revolution in high school had not worn off all the way and I rocked my turn. Ha ha. it was really embarrassing and fun to play that game. We ended up celebrating New Years at 9:00 with some sparkling cider and noise makers because that is just what you have to do when you have 9 little people under the age of 5.
 Thank you Songsters, Kings, Williams and Scofields! It was a blast. Madelynn especially had fun following all the big girls around and playing with them. This is going to be a really fun family tradition to continue.

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